Sunday, February 1, 2009

If you're a fan of Vietnam war era movies as I am, then no doubt you've seen Apocalypse Now, which was released back in 1979 by United Artist. It was a powerful film then, and still remains that way today. I was 21 at the time it was released and it left a lasting impression on me.

In 2001 director Francis Ford Coppola released Apocalypse Now Redux through United Artist. It's a remake of the original Apocalypse Now that contains an addtional 49 minutes of digitally remastered footage.

Coppola and editor Walter Murch created an entirely new cut of the film using the original negatives.

The only scene I didn't care for in Apocalypse Now Redux was the Playboy Bunnies extra scene. To me, it just seemed very out of place in a war movie.

There are many people to this day that debate which version is the best, but it all comes down to personal preference.

I've no doubt that if you liked the original, then you'll enjoy Apocalypse Now Redux. It's a must have for anyone's DVD collection.